Kicking Off: an evolution of industrial Cybersecurity
Eugene Kaspersky
CEO, Kaspersky
Development of an integrated approach to industrial cybersecurity. Grand premiere of the new solution.
Anton Ivanov
Chief Technology Officer, Kaspersky
Hacktivism, extortion, APT. «What's the world coming to» or possible changes in targets of attacks on industrial enterprises and «smart» infrastructure
Evgeny Goncharov
Head of ICS CERT, Kaspersky
Introduction to Malaysia Vulnerability Assessment Centre (MyVAC).
Muhammad Arman Bin Selamat
Head of Malaysia Vulnerability Assessment Centre (MyVAC)
Kaspersky's experience in obtaining a certificate of compliance for secure software development processes
Karina Napadovskaya
Head of Certification and Compliance Center, Kaspersky
Strategic transition to Open Process Automation Standard
Sergey Sedov
Chief Metrologist, PJSC Gazprom Neft
Сoffee break
Premier Hall lobby
Panel Discussion: Best Practices and Prospects for
International Cooperation in Critical Infrastructure
Eugene Kaspersky
CEO of Kaspersky
H.E. Dr. Chris Baryomunsi
Minister of ICT and National Guidance of Uganda
Air Vice-Marshal (AVM) Jadet
Assistant Secretary-General, National Cybersecurity
Agency (NCSA), Thailand
Muhammad Arman Bin Selamat
Head of Malaysia Vulnerability Assessment Centre (MyVAC)
Sabotage, Espionage, and Shock. Partisans of Cyberwar and Their Operations Targeting Industrial Enterprises and Government Institutions.
Vyacheslav Kopeytsev
Principal Security Researcher, Kaspersky
NG SOAR: maximum automation from detection to response
Eva Belyaeva
Security Vision expert
Restaurant Grenadine
Panel Discussion: Balancing Innovation and Cybersecurity: How New Industrial Technologies Are Changing Approaches to Cyber Defense
Panel Discussion: Balancing Innovation and Cybersecurity: How New Industrial Technologies Are Changing Approaches to Cyber Defense
Anna Kulashova
Managing Director, Russia, CIS, Kaspersky
Evgeny Abakumov
Director of Information Infrastructure at Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation
Arutyun I. Avetisyan
Deputy director Institute for System Programming of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISP RAS)
Vladimir Drukov
Head of Solar JSOC
Vadim Zheltukhin
Chief Information Officer, ALROSA
Dmitry Baldin
Deputy CIO, RusHydro
Industrial Cybersecurity audit
Alexander Kolesov
Head of Cybersecurity Analysis Department of Solar JSOC, Solar Group
Sergey I. Sidorov
Head of Industrial Security Services, Kaspersky
Сoffee break
Premier Hall lobby
SOC maturity assessment
Yaroslav Napalkov
Head of Metodology and Consulting, SOC Implementation
Department, Solar Group
The Kumtor mine case study: return of experience of industrial cybersecurity in the mining industry
Aibek Baiganchuk
Deputy Director of the Information Security Department,
CJSC Kumtor Gold Company
KasperskyOS in Action: Protecting Pharmaceutical Industrial Enterprises
Kirill Losev
Deputy Director of the Information Technology
Directorate, JSC R-PHARM
OT Cybersecurity with Eyes Wide
Shut: A Practical Approach to the Threat Landscape
Kirill Kruglov
Lead Research Developer ICS CERT, Kaspersky
New Attack Vector on Industrial Networks: Vulnerabilities in
Embedded Modems
Alexander Kozlov
Principal Security Researcher, Kaspersky
Sergey Anufrienko
ICS CERT Vulnerability Research Group Manager, Kaspersky
Navigating Maritime and Transportation Cybersecurity. Insights from the Russian Maritime Register
Vladimir Okunev
Principal Specialist, FAI ”Russian Maritime Register of
Cyber Risk Insurance in Industry
Andrey Abashev
Head of cybersecurity methodology and innovations, PJSC
MMC Norilsk Nickel